Applications for dental hygiene program at IVCC to be accepted through March 1

Dental assisting, dental hygiene pack a one-two punch for dental healthcare careers

Illinois Valley Community College's expanded dental health program opened more career opportunities for students, which drew Rebecca Peura (top left) and Paige Sons (bottom left) into the program. They are pictured with their classmates in IVCC’s inaugural Dental Hygiene class, which graduates this spring. Applications are being taken now for the next class, but the deadline is March 1.

When Rebecca Peura and Paige Sons wanted to advance in their dental health care careers, they chose Illinois Valley Community College to propel them forward.

This year, their college degrees and ceremonial initiation pins will identify them as two of the first graduates of IVCC’s dental hygiene program. Even before the ceremonies, the second class will have been chosen to start this fall. Applications for dental hygiene are being accepted through March 1, and applications for dental assisting, the pre-requisite of IVCC’s dental hygiene program, will be accepted until May 1.

IVCC offers a comprehensive two-phase program and seamless transition between the two, making it a comfortable fit and appealing to students that complete both programs back-to-back or who return after stepping away from education for a time to work in dental offices.

IVCC’s accredited program prepares students for certifications and licensure and offers a dental field-tested faculty, affordability and flexibility. Students can stack credentials and build up their qualifications, which broadens their career choices. Grant opportunities and scholarships also help make the programs accessible.

IVCC’s dental hygiene program stood out as Peura explored other programs before IVCC’s began.

“When I heard IVCC was getting a dental hygiene program, I was ecstatic. I know I will be prepared for my career after this program.”

Peura said the two programs will make her a well-rounded dental office team member.

“My experience in the dental field has been amazing. The two-step program gave me confidence in the field and knowledge of all different aspects in the dental office.”

The instructors and her classmates have made all the difference, she added.

“My favorite part is the tight-knit class of eight students who have grown to be like sisters. We help each other any chance we get, and I can’t wait to see us finish strong together.”

Instructors stay after class, answer late-night emails and review material before exams to ensure students are well prepared, she added.

“Faculty are a huge key to student success,” agreed Heather Seghi, Dean of Health Professions. “Our faculty are cross-trained in both dental assisting and dental hygiene, with extensive experience chairside. Most still actively work in dental offices – so they bring that aspect to the classroom.”

Built into IVCC’s dental assisting program is advanced training to perform expanded functions, which can boost graduates’ employability and credentials. IVCC is the only program in Illinois that offers such training as part of its program. Sons graduated from that expanded program and is now enrolled in dental hygiene and glad to be part of a second ground-breaking class.

With a dental assisting degree in hand, Sons went right to work and loves it. Two years into her career, she wanted to expand her knowledge and her skills. While still working, she took general education courses and then applied for the dental hygiene program.

She is excited to start a career as a dental hygienist armed with the tools of both programs.

“This program makes you more versatile and more valuable to your office team. The more you know, the more you can help your patient. My advice to anyone thinking about going back to school is, do it. This has been the most amazing and rewarding experience.”

Dental assistants perform or assist the dentist in preventative, restorative, and surgical procedures. Dental hygienists have wider responsibilities, including patient assessment, treatment and prevention of oral diseases, and community oral health program planning.

For more information on the dental assisting or dental hygiene program, you can visit or contact Dental Program Coordinator, Lyndsey Beetz at 815-224-0632 or at or Dean of Health Professions, Heather Seghi, at 815-224-0481 or at

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