Tyler Thompson
What office are you seeking?
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Team Lead at Walmart
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Campaign Website:
Candidate did not respond.
High school graduate from LP High school
Community Involvement:
Marital status/Immediate family:
Married to wife Breann Thompson. One child a son named Finbar.
What do you believe is the greatest issue facing the city of La Salle at this time and how do you plan to address it?
The greatest issue I feel is the lack of funding which stall the maintenance and development of the city. I plan to address this issue with “The Greater Lasalle Project” which sees that local communities surrounding Lasalle can take a vote to merge with the City of Lasalle. Which offers two options, the larger population size for more grant/tax money. The second option for example if Oglesby were to merge with Lasalle, the funds that are being used for the Mayor, Alderman’s, and salaried officials that we already have would be used instead to fund other projects that would be more beneficial to “The Greater Lasalle Project” such as roads and sidewalks being fixed.
How would you attract new business to La Salle?
Start a program for the locals to have a small business, tax breaks, support from the city, and with “The Greater Lasalle Project” the expanding development of the city would bring in more potential clients.
What ideas do you have to grow La Salle? How should the city look at expansion?
“The Greater Lasalle Project” give the surrounding cities to vote to disband their government to join Lasalle as one government entity which allows us to save money and have new momentum to convince business to come to the area.
How can La Salle work with local businesses to provide a strong relationship between the city and business community?
Hold event days that focus on the business, give support to business by showcasing the business on City of Lasalle owned social media. Giving the owners the networking and support to expand their business if they choose to open another location in another city.
Constituents, city staff and elected officials often have differing opinions and political leanings. How would you balance your personal ideology if your constituency, staff and elected officials differ from your personal beliefs
I have not to vote the last few elections as a way to show that I do not have a personal biased or political leaning. I am also willing to take a backseat on situations in which another constituents has an idea that will benefit the city more then my own. The mayor position should not be absolute authority and the all the elected officials should be seen as equals.
How would you address the need for affordable housing?
I will look into the current subsides and financial assistance program, and zoning laws. Any land for sale I would look into working with developers that would build new homes and apartment complexes.
Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?
I will not actively target any community affected by ICE with the law enforcement. However, as it is a federal order I cannot actively go against it for fear of putting others in legal or harms way due to retaliation. I don’t want to make a potential mess even messier, we will go by a day by day complying with all legal options that come available.
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
I wish to bring a development of renewable energy and city cleaning. Beyond that a business that chooses to expand or start, will have to meet the legal requirements and standards or better for environmental safety. Businesses that cannot meet with the standards will be held accountable with fees and other legal actions.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
I would work to the current public transportation like NCAT to be able to expand with the help with funding or helping them find space to expand their services.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
My safety concerns are personnel/equipment shortages, unkept infrastructure, and limited resources. The police and fire depts do not have enough people to keep up with our growing community or up-to-date equipment to make sure that they can better provide for the community they are serving. All the older building are not being used or being kept up to a standard that is acceptable. The limited resources are to make sure that all employees of the city (mayor, alderman’s, police, fire etc) have proper training to be able to handle any situation that could happen. To make all of this happen finding ways to budget the cities money and looking into getting grants from the sate and federal level will be utilized to the maximum.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
By expanding channels to communicate with public official, the residents will be able to express their ideas and grievances. To give the community the greater authority to run the community.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
The government official should always be transparent on where they get money from and who the donate money too. I would enforce this with the threat of impeachment and with other legal actions and avenues. Anyone that believe there is a conflict of interest or abuse of power being conducted is encouraged to post it on social media and at public meeting will be thoroughly investigated and will be taken seriously.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
They will have access to phone number, social media as available. If polite they could meet me at my other places of employment. I hoping to expand ways for the public to contact me and other members of the committee such as expanding social medias, allowing for additional meetings if needed, installing a suggestion/ comment box outside city hall.