Master Gardeners to host educational workshops in spring 2025

Participants to learn gardening skills

The University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners invites participants to a series of educational workshops this spring. Participants will learn practical skills to jump-start their gardening projects and bring plants into their homes.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just getting started, the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners invites participants to a series of educational workshops this spring.

Participants will learn practical skills to jump-start their gardening projects and bring plants into their homes.

Seed starting workshops

Discover the basics of seed starting, including soil, moisture and planting fundamentals. This workshop is ideal for all experience levels.

Grow light workshop

Join us to build your own grow light station. Master Gardener Volunteers will guide you through the simple construction process. All supplies are provided.

  • 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 15, at La Salle County Extension Office, 1689 N. 31st Road, Suite 2, Ottawa. The cost is $20 (covers project supplies). Register at Space is limited to 10 participants. Register by March 14 to reserve a spot.

Houseplant propagation workshop

Learn how to propagate houseplants through leaf and stem cuttings, division and air layering. This hands-on workshop allows attendees to take home a newly propagated plant.

Learn-Grow-Share 4-H Spin Club: gardening for youth

Youth ages 8 to 18 can dig into gardening with the Learn-Grow-Share 4-H Spin Club. Participants will grow vegetables, herbs and flowers, with produce donated to local blessing boxes, more than 700 pounds were donated in 2024. Youth can use their harvests for 4-H exhibits and learn to cook with fresh ingredients. Membership is free thanks to community donations.

Sign up at and select Learn-Grow-Share Club. Meetings are held one to two times monthly at the 6 to 7:30 p.m. The first session is Tuesday, Feb. 25, at the Marshall-Putnam Extension Office, 509 Front St, Henry. For more information, accommodations, or to register for 4-H SPIN Club, contact Anne Scheel at or 309-364-2356.

If you will need accommodation in order to participate in Master Gardener workshops, contact Bettyann Harrison at or 309-364-2356. Early requests are encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet access needs.

To learn more about the Master Gardener program call University of Illinois Extension at 309-364-2356 or email Bettyann Harrison at

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