35 attend Heart Health Month program organized by Streator Leading Ladies, OSF

Doctor, nutritionist say healthy diet is key

OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Ottawa, OSF St. Paul Medical Center in Mendota and the Center for Health in Streator (shown here) will be illuminated in purple lights from Aug. 28 to Sept. 3.

The Streator Leading Ladies and OSF Healthcare joined together Feb. 20 for Heart Health Month, with 35 men and women in attendance.

Special guest was Dr. David Thompson, a renowned cardiologist, who shared expert tips on heart health including the latest research, prevention strategies and lifestyle medicine approaches to reduce your risk of heart disease.

Lifestyle medicine is a medical specialty that uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions as a primary modality to treat chronic conditions including, but not limited to cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and obesity. He asked that one should be aware of your LDL numbers. The greater the numbers are, the greater risk of a heart attack.

He mentioned six ways to take control of your health: whole food, plant-based nutrition; physical activity; stress management; avoidance of risky substances, restorative sleep and social connection.

Also, present was Ann Lauterjong who spoke briefly on diet. A whole food, plant-based plate consists of water, whole grains, fruit and vegetables, legumes nuts and seeds, also added herbs and spices. She and Thompson concluded with the message: let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy Food.

A social hour was held with all enjoying healthy snacks.

The next meeting for Streator Leading Ladies will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 20 at Chippers, 1733 N. Bloomington St. Anyone is welcome to attend.

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