Grief Support Group to meet at Marseilles church

Group comes together 2nd, 4th Mondays of the month

The grief support group will meet on Fridays in the library meeting room beginning June 21 through July 19.

Have you lost a loved on to death? Are you experiencing grief? Need someone to talk to?

Join the Grief Support Group on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Marseilles.

This is an informal group that shares their struggles and joys with one another. Support one another and learn that you are not alone.

The group is facilitated by Pastor Kris Zierke from Immanuel Lutheran in Marseilles and Our Savior’s Lutheran in Seneca.

The public is welcome and attendance is not required for every meeting. There is no cost for the group. Grief Support meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. Immanuel Lutheran is at 227 E. Bluff St. For more information call Zierke at 815-357-6128.

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