Seneca High School to open production of ‘Cinderella’ on March 14

Students to perform 3 shows over the weekend

Seneca High School will return to the stage with its rendition of “Cinderella”this weekend.
The production opens at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 14-15 with a 1 p.m. showing Sunday, March 16, at the Seneca High School auditorium under the direction of Michael Richards.

Seneca High School will return to the stage with its rendition of “Cinderella” this weekend.

The production opens at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 14-15, with a 1 p.m. showing Sunday, March 16, at the Seneca High School auditorium under the direction of Michael Richards.

This is Richard’s ninth year directing a musical, choosing this production because it was time to bring a “classic” back to the stage — with a bit of a twist.

“This is based on the 1997 teleplay, the movie that came out with Brandy and Whitney Houston,” he said. “So, it’s a bit of an update on dialogue and ‘Cinderella’ has to be a little more empowered to make her transformation, as opposed to just being given the transformation.”

The timeless fairytale is reborn on stage with Rogers & Hammerstein’s notability by intertwining beloved characters with unforgettable lyrics. Originally presented on television in 1957 starring Julie Andrews, it was recreated in 1965 and 1997.

The story follows Cinderella (Aubrie Jackson), orphaned as a child, as she struggles living under the vengeful thumb of her wicked stepmother (Shelby Welsh) and two evil stepsisters, Grace (Maddy DeGrush) and Joy (Shan Balandang). Until, one night her fairy godmother (Lauryn Barla) steps in to change her life for one magical night.

Richards said he is looking forward to audiences experiencing the transformation and the magic the cast and crew have been able to bring to the stage.

“When we bring the carriage out and Cinderella has a magical dress,” he said. “It’s pretty fantastic to see.”

Cast members said they want audiences to leave with the understanding that if you work hard and continue to put your best foot forward nothing is impossible.

“I feel like the theme is to be yourself and not really worry about what other people are saying about you,” Grace Beland (stage manager, a horse, and a villager), a senior, said.

“Be true to yourself because at the end of the day you’re all you’ve got,” Barla said. “Even if things aren’t going your way you still have to push on and eventually something will go right for you.”

What: Cinderella

When: 7 p.m. Friday - Saturday, March 14-15 ; 1 p.m. Sunday, March 16

Where: Seneca High School Auditorium, 307 E. Scott St.

Cost: $5 online at

Cinderella (Aubrie Jackson) contemplates her life  while singing "In my own little corner."
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