This month’s Friends of the Hennepin Canal hike will be on the feeder canal from Bridge 52 to Bridge 56.
This portion of the “Hike the Hennepin” is 4.2 miles in length and has been named the “Red Squirrel.”
Hikers will meet at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 16, at Bridge 56 on Route 92, 4 miles west of Route 40. Route 92 is 13 miles south of Rock Falls on Route 40 or 12 miles north of Interstate 80, exit 45 on Route 40.
Participants do not have to be a member of the Friends of the Hennepin Canal to participate and there is no fee for the hike. Dress weather appropriately. If the hike needs to be canceled because of inclement weather, a notice will be posted on Facebook page.
For information, contact the Friends of the Hennepin Canal at