The Bureau County Farm Bureau – in partnership with the Lee, Marshall-Putnam, Whiteside and Stark County farm bureaus; Ag View FS; and Growmark – is offering butterfly pollinator seed mix at a reduced price until April 11.
This project is funded in part through an Illinois Farm Bureau Pollinator Grant.
This year, the group will be offering the GreenYard Butterfly mix, which includes Larkspur, Indian blanket, lance leaved coreopsis, purple coneflower, cosmos, gayfeather, zinnia, godetia, butterfly week, Illinois bundle flower, purple prairie clover, round-headed bush clover, black-eyed Susan, New England aster, dianthus repens and Siberian wallflower. It is not CRP certified.
Pollinators, which include bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds and more, are responsible for one in every three bites of food we take. The monarch butterfly, the state’s designated insect, has been proposed to be placed on the Endangered Species List. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is encouraging the public to act now and be a part of its recovery.
Pre-orders can be placed by calling 815-875-6468. Payments will be required upon ordering, and seed mix will be available for pickup at the Farm Bureau office in late April or early May.