Manlius Sportsmens Club to host March 21 fish fry

Donation of $15 per adult accepted

The Manlius Sportsman Club’s recent fundraiser was the beneficiary of New Bedford Royal Neighbors of America Matching Funds Project. Patsy Swanson, chapter president (holding check), presented $1,000 to club officers Jeff Wallace, president, Gail Barton, treasurer, and Dave Roger. Other RNA  members present were (from left) Mary Etheridge, Mary Hartz, Joanne Nelson, and Polly Lickhart. Photo submitted by Mary Etheridge.

The Manlius Sportsmens Club will hold a fish fry from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, March 21.

The meal includes all you can eat fish, french fries, cole slaw and baked beans. There is a donation of $15 per adult.

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