Oglesby tweaks deal to bring in 100 jobs

KEI addition aims to bring 20 jobs over 5 year span

Oglesby City Hall

The Oglesby City Council is nearing an agreement to bring 100 jobs to Oglesby, but it has added a sticking point: Those jobs must be in Oglesby.

Monday, the City Council voted unanimously to add some language to its redevelopment agreement with KEI (Knobelsdorff Enterprises, Inc.), which pledged to create 20 jobs a year over a five-year span beginning in 2026.

Commissioner Austin Cullinan said he wanted assurances the new jobs won’t be created off-site but rather within Oglesby’s corporate limits.

“Of course we think KEI is going to be a great partner, but just for the city’s bottom line we inserted that language,” Cullinan said. “We don’t anticipate any issues.”

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