The operator of an ATV in Streator was taken to OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria for the treatment of injuries suffered during a crash with a parked vehicle. The operator also was cited by police after the crash.
Police said the crash occurred at 3:39 p.m. Monday between an ATV and a parked vehicle at 200 E. Hickory St. Police said witnesses told them the ATV driver was operating the vehicle on two wheels when he lost control and struck a parked motor vehicle, causing damage.
The operator of the ATV also lost consciousness from the impact, police were told. After he regained consciousness, he fled the scene of the crash before responding officers arrived, police were told.
Officials said there is video of the incident. The operator was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.
The operator of that ATV had suffered a significant injury from the crash and checked themselves in at a local hospital. After being advised of their rights, the patient admitted to operating the ATV on the date and time of the crash, police said. Police said the 21-year-old was cited on complaints of operating an uninsured vehicle, not having a valid driver’s license, improper lane usage, duty to remain at the scene/report after damaging an unattended vehicle and reckless driving (operating on two wheels).
Police issued a pair of reminders to residents about the city’s laws.
“Although the operator of the ATV involved in this accident was 21 years old, we remind parents not to purchase these nonstreet-legal machines for their children unless they have an off-road area for them to use them and a trailer to transport these vehicles there and back,” police said in a news release. “They are not to be operated on city streets and will be impounded by our agency when we recover them being operated on our streets.”