Guest column: The View from 90

Carole Ledbetter

This is a not a memoir – it’s not about the past – it’s praise for the now!

Alexa sings to me in the morning! She knows all my favorites. I tell her when to start and stop.

For some of my friends, she turns the lights on in the morning.

Electronics are a challenge to older people at this time. We are growing old in a time we’ve never known.

I began working on a computer many years ago, when I worked at the bank.

I took several courses at Illinois Valley Community College.

But computers then and computers now are very different.

We used to type – now we just punch. We are always pushing buttons – at the gas pumps, in our cars, at the grocery store. I am so thankful I don’t have a new car. I had a loaner for a short time a few years ago and I couldn’t wait to take it back and cruise the streets in my red 2005 Buick. It’s only 20 years old and I hope to drive it until the governor says I can’t.

I have become a “news junkie” with my television set. I am so curious to see what is going on.

In the morning, after Alexa plays George Beverly Shea singing the hymns I love, I pray for my children – now in their 50s and 60s, my grandchildren, now finished with their education and employed, or seeking employment. I now have four great-grandchildren in their early years. There are lots of birthday parties and I’m still “portable.” It’s a busy time!

My calendar is full.

My church, River Valley Evangelical Free Church, is just 5 minutes away.

There are many interesting activities and opportunities to worship and serve.

It’s a “church plant” – not an Easter lily – but a church that hopes to reach new believers, young families and people of all ages.

I have several opportunities to serve there – in kids’ church, and reading scripture for the service occasionally. I enjoy welcoming new people and seeing young couples with babies and smalll children. We are hoping to grow in the years ahead.

I never thought much about what it would be like to be ninety years old, but I’m finding life is good and God is faithful.

Carole Ledbetter is a former, long-time Write Team member who resides in Ottawa.

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