Ottawa approves annexation of 12 properties in Fields Hill subdivision

12 properties are part of the ‘first batch’ set to be annexed to city

A view of Caton Road, where Ottawa City Council has approved the annexation of six different properties into the city's limits.

The Ottawa City Council conducted a public hearing Tuesday night to discuss the annexation of 12 properties in the Fields Hill subdivision.

The properties were brought up individually and approved unanimously with no discussion. No public comments or questions were raised during the hearing.

Ottawa City Attorney Christina Cantlin said the annexations were part of an effort to resolve outstanding water bills from the Fields Hill Association.

As an incentive for annexation, the city is waiving meter fees, reducing a portion of the outstanding water bill and offering a discounted $5,500 connection fee.

“There are about 65 to 70 property owners who have not annexed into the city, and this is just the first batch of those annexations,” Cantlin said.

Once annexed, property owners will pay the city’s lower water rates and will be able to connect to the city’s sewer system in the next two to three years, when it becomes available.

In other business, the City Council:

  • approved an ordinance authorizing a redevelopment agreement with Gioia Group LLC at 209 W. Main St.
  • approved a resolution authorizing a grant agreement with the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal for an equipment grant.
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