2025 Election Questionnaire: Daniel Danko, Streator City Council

Daniel Danko

Name: Daniel Danko

What office are you seeking?: Streator City Council

Age: 28

Political party: Independent

Occupation and employer: Building Services Coordinator at Evergreen Place Supportive Living

What elected positions, if any, have you had previously? Appointed to Chairman to the Streator Plan Commission, Elected to vice president of Light Up Streator, was president of the Streator Community Center

Campaign website: Daniel Danko for Streator City Council (Facebook)

Education: Streator High School, 2 years at SIU

Community involvement: Light Up Streator, Liberty Fest, Planning Commission, Streator Fest, Park Fest, 4th of July Parade, Labor Day Parade, formally Streator Community Center

Family: Married with two little girls.

Why are you running for office?

I want to make Streator a safe and thriving community for my two daughters to grow up in. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to stay in Streator, and run for City Council.

What is your vision for Streator? And what would you do as an elected official to bring it to fruition?

My vision is to see Streator be a city that my daughters will be proud to grow up in. A city that will make younger generations want to stay and raise their families in. I will work with the other City Council members, the Mayor, and leaders of organizations to be open to new possibilities and make the right decisions for the betterment of Streator.

What can the City Council do in its role to help stop the recent violence in the community?

The City Council can be open to suggestions from our Police Department, Tri-DENT, and other law enforcement for new ideas to prevent violence from occurring and support our local Police by getting them the resources they need.

With the recent closure of Owens, how should the City Council approach economic development in the future?

We should be open to new ideas and investments in our city no matter how small they may be. Small businesses will be the backbone of our economic situation until we are able to attract a bigger development.

With its proximity to Starved Rock and near three interstate corridors, what can the City Council do to entice visitors to the community?

City Council can support our volunteer organizations and our downtown area as they are the biggest draw to our community. We should meet the staffing needs of the different organizations and help offset costs where we can. City council can also continue Facade Grants and investments in our downtown to keep attracting new visitors.

How would you address the need for not only affordable housing, but also housing for growing families, or single professionals?

I would like to continue and expand the rental inspection program to ensure safe housing for residents. We should also encourage people to partake in the Community Development Block Grant to be able to improve their homes.

What can the City Council do to enhance its park system?

City Council needs to allocate more funds and apply for grants to enhance and maintain our parks to provide a place for our children to play and feel safe. I would like to see more playground equipment, swings, basketball courts, walking paths, bike paths, and pavilions. We should protect our investments with new lighting and cameras.

The city of Streator is limited by its budget: How would you like to see the city address its budget in the long-term?

I would like to work with my fellow City Council members to see what has been done in the past, and what we can do to better allocate funds.

Do you believe the city’s recently established ambulance service has been a success? Do you foresee any changes?

Our new ambulance has been a success in my opinion. I would like to work with our Fire Department to identify and solve any issues and improvements we can make to better serve our community.

Do you have any specific objectives you would like to share that were not asked about?

I would like to look into increasing our tax base so that we can lower our property taxes. We should look at all possible ways to entice and attract neighborhoods to be annexed into the City of Streator.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status in the United States?

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

We should hold public forums to ensure all voices are heard when creating or changing policies.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose conflicts of interest? How would you enforce this?

I support requiring government officials to publicly disclose conflicts of interest. I would enforce this by holding myself accountable to these standards.

How would you make yourself accessible to constituents?

I plan on keeping my Facebook page open after being elected so that citizens can message me and I will also participate in public forums to give citizens the opportunity to ask questions and voice their concern. I also encourage citizens to attend City Council Meetings.

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