The La Salle County Republican Party will host its 47th annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, March 29, at Pitstick Pavilion on Route 23, just north of Ottawa.
Social hour is at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m.
This dinner is an opportunity to celebrate the history and values of the state’s favorite son: Lincoln, the party said. It also provides an opportunity to meet numerous elected officials from within and around the county.
This year’s keynote speaker will be Dan Proft, a former candidate for governor, longtime historian of everything Republican and drive-time radio personality on AM 560 The Answer. Proft will be sharing his thoughts on the “Revolution of Common Sense.” Veteran state Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris, and newcomer state Sen. Li Arellano, R-Dixon, also will speak.
Although sponsored by the La Salle County Republicans, the event is open to anyone who would like to meet local elected officials and legislators for “an evening of camaraderie, inspiration and shared commitment to a stronger America – locally and nationwide," the party said.
Tickets are available for purchase for $75 on Eventbrite and include a buffet, entertainment and fellowship. Questions or additional information can be directed to Larry Smith at or 630-337-0276.