IVCC’s junior welding camp featured in national trade magazine

SPARK Jr. Welding Academy is the most popular summer youth camp

Campus and camp welding instructor Theresa Molln coaches a SPARK Jr. Welding student on one of the projects the campers completed during the weeklong class. The class and its participants were featured in a fall edition of a national welding magazine.

Illinois Valley Community College’s junior welding summer camp is featured in the September/October edition of “The Welder,” a national trade magazine.

The week-long SPARK Jr. Welding Academy is the most popular segment of Continuing Education’s summer youth enrichment series, which gives teens a chance to practice skills and explore career opportunities. The welding class learned basic welding and print reading skills in creating tables and fire pits.

The class is one of several around the country partially funded through the Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs summer manufacturing grant sponsored by The Foundation of the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association. The association publishes “The Welder.”

The class’s design – which presents a variety of welding activities and opportunities to interact with employers – sparked the magazine’s attention and prompted an editor’s visit last summer. The class uses IVCC’s welding lab and is taught by program coordinator Theresa Molln.

Molln and Jennifer Scheri, director of Continuing Education and Business Services, were excited by The Welder’s interest. This is IVCC’s first appearance in the magazine.

“SPARK teen career camp is our top selling camp,” Scheri said. “Students love the opportunity to get in the booth and build something.” A taste of welding in high school or at home seems to whet their appetites for continuing at the college camp, she added.

“I think they’re always interested in making things,” Molln said. “They love to be creative, and SPARK helps them learn a new way of expressing their creativity, build skills to a possible new career and meet new teens from outside their normal surroundings.”

The class usually fills quickly and has a wait list of interested teens. Because of high interest, IVCC hopes to expand it next summer, Scheri said.

To view the article, click this link go to the magazine’s website at www.thefabricator.com/thewelder. View the 2023 welding camp video at https://www.wevideo.com/view/3125930040.

Camper Zach Znaniecki, a La Salle-Peru High School student, poses with tables that campers made, one of several projects they completed during the class.
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