Hungry World Farms to offer educational overnight stays in Tiskilwa

Nonprofit farm is located at 19183 Plow Creek Rd.

Hungry World Farm is looking to do its part to make Tiskilwa a destination for visitors.

The nonprofit farm recently announced on social media that it plans to host people at its farm for overnight stays, the revenue from which will support its produce operation and other nonprofit activities.

“Our goals are to help people from Princeton to Peoria to Chicago discover Tiskilwa, our hometown, fall in love with local farms, develop an appreciation for farmers, respect for farming and come back to visit our community of Tiskilwa many times,” read the organization’s Facebook post.

Hungry World Farm, located at 19183 Plow Creek Rd. in Tiskilwa, also donates products to local food banks, hosts guests for school field trips, retreats, visits and other agri-tourism and eco-tourism-related events. For more information, visit

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