Top Signs You Might Need a Hearing Test

Wallace Center for Hearing - Top Signs You Might Need a Hearing Test

Hearing is a crucial sense that significantly impacts our quality of life. Yet, many people ignore signs of hearing loss until it becomes a major issue. If you’re unsure whether you should get your hearing checked, here are the top signs that indicate you might need a hearing test.

1. Difficulty Following Conversations.

One of the earliest signs of hearing loss is having difficulty following conversations, especially in noisy environments. If you often ask people to repeat themselves or struggle to keep up with discussions in groups, it’s time for a hearing test.

2. Frequently Increasing Volume.

Do you find yourself turning up the volume on the TV or radio to levels that others find too loud? This is a sign that your hearing may have declined.

3. Ringing in the Ears.

Ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds in the ears, known as tinnitus, can be a symptom of hearing loss. Persistent tinnitus shouldn’t be ignored and warrants a hearing evaluation.

4. Difficulty Hearing High-Pitched Sounds.

If you struggle to hear high-pitched sounds, like the voices of children or the chirping of birds, it could indicate high-frequency hearing loss, which is common as people age.

5. Avoiding Social Situations.

Many people with hearing loss begin to withdraw from social situations because they find it frustrating or embarrassing to constantly ask others to repeat themselves. If you avoid social gatherings, it could be due to unaddressed hearing issues.

6. Family and Friends Notice.

Often, others notice your hearing difficulties before you do. If family or friends have mentioned that you seem to have trouble hearing, it’s a good idea to take their concerns seriously and schedule a hearing test.

Taking a proactive approach to your hearing health can prevent further deterioration and improve your overall well-being. If any of these signs are familiar, schedule a hearing test with Audiologist Beth Wallace, M.S., CCC-A, at Wallace Center for Hearing.

Wallace Center For Hearing, LLC

4127 Progress Blvd

Peru, IL 61354


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