Losing a loved one is never easy, and the emotional impact can be especially difficult during the holidays. This time of year is typically stressful and busy, but it also tends to bring back memories of those we have lost, making things more difficult.
But even if the holidays make you feel particularly emotional, there are ways to help reduce that stress and make the season more joyful. Here are some suggestions to consider.
Take the Time to Reflect
Grieving is a normal part of the healing process. Give yourself time to process your emotions – but try to stay engaged in the activities you most enjoy. Whether it’s exercising or enjoying your favorite food or a good book, remaining active during a time of grief is a healthy sign of coping.
Start New Holiday Traditions
One of the reasons the holiday season is stressful after a loss is because of traditions we had with our lost loved one(s). But this is a great opportunity to create new memories and traditions in their honor. Being proactive and starting something new is both helpful and hopeful.
Be with Your Loved Ones
Gatherings with family and friends are a staple of the holidays, but these enjoyable times can be difficult when coping with a loss. But whether it’s a big holiday party or something as private as a drink with a friend, surrounding yourself with the important people in your life is healthy and beneficial. Social activities keep you engaged so that you don’t spend too much time alone when feelings of grief can intensify.
While the holidays can be difficult after a loss, you can still find ways to have a joyous time reflecting on happy memories and creating new ones with the people you love.
For information about funeral services, prearrangements, monuments, jewelry, or urns, please visit norbergfh.com or call 815-875-2425.
Norberg Memorial Home, Inc. & Monuments
701 E. Thompson St
Princeton, IL 61356