Following a week in which he pitched a win for his Huskers and batted .714 with six RBIs and nine runs scored, Serena baseball’s Tanner Faivre received 310 of 726 votes to win the honor of being named The Times Athlete of the Week.
The ballot also included runner-up Faith Deering (Seneca girls track and field), Alyssa Zellers (Seneca softball) and Caden Wheeler (Newark baseball).
Next week’s ballot will be online Sunday (check The Times Sports on Facebook or @jtpedelty on Twitter for nominees), with voting going through midday Wednesday.
Here is a Q&A with this week’s winner:
Do you have any nicknames?
My nickname is “Baby T”
Who’s your favorite Major League Baseball player, past or present?
Anthony Rizzo is probably my favorite MLB player.
You’ve been piling up hits at the plate the past couple weeks. What’s been the difference in your recent at-bats?
I have really just been focusing in the last couple of weeks and trying to get on base any way possible.
What is your game-day routine?
On game day, I usually have a brief workout in the morning, take [batting practice] before the games and try to play catch with the same person every day ... unless he is pitching.
What so far has been your favorite memory made on a baseball diamond?
Winning our junior-high championship in summer baseball.
Who have been a few of the most influential coaches in your life?
The most influential coaches I have had are Mr. Baker, Mr. Foreman, Mr. DeRango, my mom, my dad and so many others.
What’s your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subjects are math and physical education.
What are your three favorite candy bars?
Twix, Milky Way, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate
With the season winding down, what goals do you have for yourself and for your team down the stretch?
Goals I have for myself are to continue getting on base and trying to end the season [batting] over .400. A goal I hope to achieve as a team is winning a regional.
Do you have any college plans? If so, do they involve sports?
I am planning on going to college, but I have not yet determined where I am going to go. I hope to play soccer.