Streator High School students were awarded more than $240,000 in 82 scholarships at the 42nd annual awards ceremony May 11.
Streator High School’s new Superintendent Scott Cameron was introduced. Members of the Streator High School Board of Education, the Streator High School Educational Foundation and high school administration were acknowledged prior to the ceremony as well. Principal Amy Jo Mascal, along with Brad Brittin served as Mistress and Master of Ceremonies for the evening.
This year 14 students took home more than $6,000 to assist them in continuing their education because of the generosity of scholarship donors.
The largest amount given to one student was $20,000, which was awarded to Laci Irvin. This award is given in honor of Rose Boyd Gochanour for a student seeking a degree in education. The student is awarded $5,000 per each year of college for four years.
A significant highlight of the evening was the awarding of the seventh Richard J. Berry “Returning Graduate Award” to Streator High School alum Avalon (Dittmer) Hinderman. Established by Rebecca Berry to honor her late husband, the award worth $10,000, is given to a Streator High graduate choosing to return to Streator to live and work. Hinderman graduated from SHS in 2016, then went to the University of Illinois where she majored in special education. She graduated in 2020 from U of I and then became a special education teacher for Streator Elementary District 44 at Northlawn School. She is a member of St. Michael Parish and volunteers with Light Up Streator and Streator Unlimited.
The returning Streator High School Graduate award honors Richard J. Berry, a 1970 Streator High graduate. Richard attended Vanderbilt University, graduating in 1974. He graduated law school at Notre Dame University in 1977. He returned to Streator, where he was born and raised, to serve as partner and trial attorney in the law firm of Myers, Berry, O’Connor & Kuzma, Ltd. He was involved in the Streator community and served as co-founder and tournament director of the City Golf Championships Tournament from 1980 to 2006. Tragically, Berry died in a car accident on Dec. 16, 2009. Past “returning graduate” award winners include Theresa Solon, Logan Pflibsen, Kristina McCormick, Ellie Eccleston, Brianna Elmore and Delila Flores.
Berry has established not only the “Returning Graduate Award” at Streator High, but also a scholarship for a Streator High senior in the amount of $5,000 given to one graduating student each year. Senior Connor Novotney received the award for this year.
During the scholarship presentations, welding students Joshua Carr, Carson Trainor and Joshua Hoekstra each received a special gift of welding equipment provided by Robert Dieken. This was in addition to these students being awarded the Dieken Welding Scholarship.
Seniors receiving awards with totals of $6,000 and up were Abby Bedecker, Isabel Bemont, Zoe Crawford, Zoey Dearth, Gavin Howard, Laci Irvin, Brianna Janke, Trevor Mitts, Connor Novotney, Ebony Pickens, Hannah Rambo, Lydia Schultz and Claire Vogel.
Several new scholarships also were given this year by donors and include the following Class of 1991, Harold’s Chicken and Illinois Valley Hispanic Partnership Council.
Scholarship recipients for 2022 include the following:
Ag Educator’s Award: Megan Schmitt ($400)
American Assoc. of University Women Scholarship: Zoey Dearth, Nora Groesbeck, Emily Kestner ($1,000 each)
Milan Barackman Scholarship: Ryan Orozco ($1,000)
Karen Barnwell Memorial: Karilyn Porter, Aiden Yuhas ($1,000 each)
Cary C. Barr: Lillian Austin, Bryce Bryner, Daisy Diaz, Gavin Howard, Brianna Janke, Svetlana Michalkova (each receives $1,000/ 4 years – Total $4,000 )
Fred and Jeanne Beck Memorial: MacKenzie Bayer, Cassandra Perez ($2,500 each)
Joanne Beck Memorial: Ebony Pickens ($500)
Gene Bednar Memorial: Cade Stevens ($1,500)
Richard J. Berry Streator Golf Association: David Rashid ($500)
Richard J. Berry Memorial: Connor Novotney ($5,000)
Richard J. Berry “Returning Graduate”: Avalon (Dittmer) Hinderman ($10,000)
Class of 1959: Gavin Howard, Skyler Schimek ($1,000 each)
Class of 1964: Lenah Peterson, David Rashid ($1,000 each)
Class of 1965: Karilyn Porter, Jaelyn Blakemore, Connor Novotney, Mason Pshak ($1,000 each)
Class of 1966: Zoe Crawford, Gavin Howard, Ebony Pickens ($1,500 for all 4 years)
Class of 1967: Zoe Crawford (trades), Svetlana Michalkova (community college), Addison Ramon (special education) ($1,000 each)
Class of 1968: Skyler Schimek ($500)
Class of 1991: Haley Mosqueda ($1,000)
Class of 2001 Scholarship: Lydia Schultz ($200)
Richard “Moose” & Jayne Conner Memorial: David Rashid ($1,000)
Constellation La Salle Station Technical Scholarship: Braxton Mushimba ($1,000)
Sharon Coonan Memorial: Lenah Peterson ($2,000)
Kathryn Dose Memorial: Lenah Peterson, Hannah Rambo ($550 each)
Dieken Nursing: Bertha Hernandez, Hannah Rambo ($1,000 each upon completion of first year; eligible for additional $2,000 each upon nursing program completion)
Dieken Welding: Joshua Carr, Carson Trainor, Joshua Hoekstra ($1,000 each)
Paul E. Dieken Memorial: Zoey Dearth ($2,000)
Walter & Dorothy Dobberpuhl Memorial: Trevor Mitts ($3,000/four years. Total $12,000)
Dr. William Ehling Memorial: Zoe Crawford, Gavin Howard, Haley Mosqueda ($750 each)
Dream Machines Car Club: Walker McClellan ($500)
Elks Most Valuable Student: Abby Bedecker, Laci Irvin, Lenah Peterson ($250 each)
Firefighter’s Local #56/Jack Dent Memorial: Zoey Dearth, Nora Groesbeck, Ryan Orozco, Mason Pshak ($250 each)
Herb Gerth Tecnololgy Scholarship: Nolan Barr ($100)
Greener Estate: Bryce Bryner ($500)
Rose Boyd Gochanour: Laci Irvin ($5,000/four years. Total $20,000)
Harold’s Chicken Scholarship: Avary McCloskey, Trevon McKinnie, Cassie Perez ($500 each)
Madeline Ahearn Higgins Memorial: Isabel Bemont ($3,000/four years. Total $12,000)
Beverly Hoag Memorial: Cade Stevens, Lucy Zavada ($1,000 each)
HSHS St. Mary’s Medical Staff: Nora Groesbeck ($1,000); Mason Pshak ($750)
Illinois Valley Hispanic Partnership Council: Gabriela Garcia ($500)
June Immel Memorial: Hannah Rambo ($500)
Kathleen Kinkade Memorial: Jenny Lyle, Trevor Mitts ($250 each)
Kiwanis Character Award: Hanna Gotch (Plaque)
Kiwanis Dave Goerne Memorial: Zoe Crawford ($1,000)
Larry Kolb Honorary: ($1,000)
Larry T. Lampson: Anna McMullen ($3,000); Hannah Rambo ($2,500); Claire Vogel ($2,000); Noah Colter ($1,500)
Lions Club Vocational: Ivory Wright ($500)
Ethel Pearson Missel: Abby Bedecker, Nora Groesbeck, Lydia Schultz ($5,000 each)
Jack & Betty Moore Memorial: Lydia Schultz, Connor Novotney ($500 each)
Ben Newton Memorial: Sean McGurk, Octavio Molina ($1,000 each)
Matthew Olson Memorial Welding: Carson Trainor ($500)
PEO Chapter CM Scholarship: Zoe Crawford ($500)
PEO Chapter CM Edith Dady Memorial: Nora Groesbeck, Anna McMullen ($1,000 each)
PEO Chapter IC Scholarship: Ebony Pickens ($350)
Selby and Frieda Proud Achievement Award: Svetlana Michalkova ($500)
Michael Ragusa Agent Orange Awareness: Nora Groesbeck ($500)
Ramza Fester Math Science: Nora Groesbeck, Ryan Orozco ($1,000 each for all four years college)
Red & White Booster Club: Addison Ramon, Lydia Schultz, Braxton Mushimba, David Rashid ($500 each)
Ruth Rinkenberger & Marlene Adams Scholarship: Connor Novotney ($300 for four years)
Mary Katherine Ritter: Anna Hoffmeyer ($500)
Dominic Salvati Memorial: Aiden Studnicki ($500)
Willard Schroeder Scholarship: Jeniece White ($500)
John G. Schmidt: Abby Bedecker ($5,000)
John R. & Kathryn L. Solon: Haley Mosqueda ($1,500 & $1,500 for an additional year of college)
Lynne F. Solon Foundation: Zoe Crawford, Ebony Pickens ($1,000 each)
John G. Sorenseon: Mason Pshak, Natalie Williams ($1,000 each)
SHS Alumni & Friends: Blake Ewing, Brianna Janke ($3,000 each)
SHS Scholastic Bowl Scholarship: Mason Pshak ($500)
SHS Yearbook Scholarship: Jaelyn Blakemore, Megan Schmitt ($300 each)
Streator Ag Family, Friends, & Alumni Scholarship: Joshua Carr ($1,000)
Streator Community Credit Union: Lenah Peterson, Addison Ramon ($600 each)
Streator Federation of Teachers: Addison Ramon ($500)
Streator High School Student Council: Zoey Dearth, Nora Groesbeck ($500 each)
Streator Leading Ladies: Lydia Schultz ($500)
Streator Masonic Lodge Scholarship: Zoey Dearth ($1,000)
Streator Onized Credit Union: Joshua Hoekstra ($500)
Streator Youth Soccer Scholarship: Anna McMullen, David Rashid ($250 each)
Jack & Opal Stephens Memorial: Lydia Schultz ($1,000)
Brett Stone Memorial: Claire Vogel ($4,000)
Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition: Nora Groesbeck, Emily Kestner, Olivia Pastrik ($500 each)
Superintendent’s Servant Leadership Scholarship: Zoey Dearth ($500)
Pernille Ullegard Memorial: Courtney Bailey ($1,000)
James Underwood Fine Arts/English: Courtney Bailey, Ebony Pickens ($1,000 each for all four years)
Vactor Manufacturing: Joshua Hoekstra, Cooper Wahl ($500 each)
Hunter Wolfe Memorial: Hannah Rambo, Addison Ramon, Natalie Williams ($250 each)
William M. Zadkovich: Isabel Bemont, Zoey Dearth, Natalie Williams ($1,000 each)
Ronald Yuhas Memorial: David Rashid ($2,000)
Zonta Scholarship: Zoe Crawford ($500)