Small named La Salle County Board vice chairman, Znaniecki bests Jensen to chair appointments

9 newly-elected board members are sworn-in

La Salle County Board member Arratta A. Znaniecki (R), smiles at the County Board Meeting on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022 at the La Salle County Government Complex in Ottawa.

Republican Gary Small, R-Utica, is new vice chairman of the La Salle County Board and Republican Arratta Znaniecki, R-Ottawa, will chair the committee on appointments.

Small replaces Democrat Jill Bernal of Peru. Znaniecki won her committee post over Board Chairman Don Jensen, R-Deer Park, after an 18-10 floor vote.

“I’m excited about this,” Znaniecki said. “Originally, I just wanted to be on the committee, but my fellow board members elevated me.”

La Salle County Board members are sworn in on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022 at the La Salle County Government Complex in Ottawa.

Znaniecki said she didn’t canvass for the job and called the floor vote “a nice surprise.”

That’s one of several new changes to the County Board, which met Monday for a largely ceremonial session – the board dispensed with minutes until next week – in which Chief Judge H. Chris Ryan Jr. administered the oath of office to the members.

Nine new members were sworn-in Monday: Republicans Stephen Aubry, Ray Gatza, William J. “Bill” Brown Jr., Beth Findley Smith, Kathy Bright, Tony Tooley, Matt Slager and McEmery, along with Pamela Beckett, a Democrat. Republicans gained a seat on the board, improving their majority to 18-11.

La Salle County Board member Gary Small (R), attends the County Board Meeting on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022 at the La Salle County Government Complex in Ottawa.

The board also approved the following appointments to outside agencies, meaning a County Board member will be liaison with the following agencies:

  • Mike McEmery, R-Marseilles, was appointed to Business Employment Skills Team (BEST)
  • Brian Dose, D-Ottawa, was reappointed to the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Board (CASA)
  • Lou Anne Carretto, D-Ottawa, was reappointed to the La Salle County Health Department Board
  • Beckett, D-Ottawa, was appointed to the La Salle County Mental Health 708 Board
  • McEmery and David Torres, D-Oglesby, were reappointed to the TRI County Opportunities Council
  • Znaniecki and Doug Stockley, R-Earlville, were appointed to the University of Illinois Extension board

The Board will reconvene again at 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12, at the La Salle County Governmental Complex, 707 E. Etna Road, Ottawa.

La Salle County board members (from left)  Stephen Aubry (R), Beth Findley Smith (R),  Pamela Beckett (D), Tony Tooley (R), and Kathy Bright (R), attend the County Board Meeting on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022 at the La Salle County Government Complex in Ottawa.
La Salle County Board Chairman Don Jensen (R-Deer Park),  meets with the board on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022 at the La Salle County Government Complex in Ottawa.