Marseilles council hears options for Knudson Park project

Design firm outlines preliminary plan for development

The Marseilles City Council heard Wednesday an inkling of what’s possible for Knudson Park through an Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development grant.

Andy Howard of the Hitchcock Design Group cited during a presentation Wednesday possible amenities the city could include in its application for the park across the street from City Hall by the end of August. Items, such as a new bandshell, a gazebo shelter with seating and tables, permanent concrete bean bags boards, concrete walkways and seating and a paved area near Lincoln Street where events like a farmers market could be conducted, were among the ideas shared.

This will be the city’s second OSLAD grant application in two years. The city received a $600,000 OSLAD grant a year ago for development of Broadway Park, an effort still in the planning stages, with construction possible starting there next March.

Marseilles, however, received the full 100% of what that grant program allowed because it was then on the state’s “distressed communities” list, because of flooding in 2013.

It has since been moved off of that list, so the Knudson Park project, if approved, would likely be 50% funded by the grant, with a matching amount required from the city. That will require the city to be prepared to limit its plans for what’s placed in the park depending on how much it can afford to spend.

“I’m a little bit disappointed to find out we’re not on the distressed cities list anymore,” said Marseilles Mayor Jim Hollenbeck. “because we wanted the 100% grant. I was fearful that sometime we might be taken out, so now we’ll have to regroup and see what we can and can’t afford.”

Most of the items were projected to be about the perimeter of the block, leaving the grassy area in the center of the oval sidewalk now in place open for special events and concert seating.

“This is your park, not ours. We want this to be what you want.”

—  Andy Howard of the Hitchcock Design Group

In response to a question from the audience, Howard explained power lines are planned to provide electricity for speakers and lighting equipment for the bandshell, suitable to musical entertainment or community plays.

Howard had distributed comment sheets for members of the audience to fill out with their recommendations for the park. Hollenbeck explained the comments will be evaluated by the council and the design firm in the coming weeks.

“This is your park, not ours,” Howard said. “We want this to be what you want.”

Hollenbeck said Jeanne Knudson, the widow of former Marseilles Mayor John Knudson, for whom the park is named, gave the project her blessing, something Hollenbeck said “makes this a lot easier going forward.”

In other action, the council:

Saw Hollenbeck present a ceremonial clock to former Commissioner Gary Lewey, commemorating his many years of service to the city.

Learned from City Engineer Mike Etscheid the excavation and patching on Bluff Street will be completed by Friday afternoon, as will the video assessment of the Illinois Street sewer.

Approved a home business license for Anne Sommer of DBA STR8 Shot Gun Safety at 348 Scott St.

Approved zoning amendments for the three properties the city purchased connecting the city with Interstate 80.