Ottawa commissioners approved Tuesday the purchase of 14 new light poles with speaker mount options, along with two 35-foot poles for light and supports, for installation in the Jordan block area.
The new light poles will cost $98,500 with the work being done by Halm Electrical Contracting of Ottawa. The cost will come from the city’s downtown tax increment financing fund.
Commissioner James Less voted against the work, saying with the uncertainty in the Jordan block’s future he doesn’t agree with investing $100,000 for lighting that may be gone in a year or two.
Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru gets approval
After recommendation from the city’s Plan Commission, Ottawa commissioners approved a conditional use permit for a new Dunkin’ Donuts building to install a drive-thru at 2758 Columbus St., also known as Lot 3 of the RP Lumber Company development.
The Dunkin’ Donuts in Ottawa is planning a move across Route 23. The current store is located at 2749 Columbus St.