The city of Ottawa received an $18,250 grant in federal historic preservation funds to hire a consultant to update its downtown design guidelines.
The guidelines as they stand can be found on the city’s website by clicking the planning and zoning tab. The document is currently labeled “Design Review Guidelines.”
“It’s still a working document and we reference all the time when we’re working with new buildings and facades,” said Tami Koppen, community development specialist in Ottawa. “It lets people know what kind of things they should and shouldn’t do, and what we want to see.”
Ottawa will need to match $6,750 in funds to receive the grant.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources State Historic Preservation Office approved more than $131,400 in funding across Illinois for nine historic preservation projects through the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Fund.
The program is open to all 83 Certified Local Governments throughout Illinois with funds available to reimburse participating communities for projects that focus on surveys, public education, planning and National Register of Historic Places nominations.
The Ottawa City Council will vote to accept the awarded grant in its meeting Tuesday. A consultant will be decided at a later date.
Ottawa’s guidelines were originally drafted by Basalay, Cary and Alstadt Architects in April 2003.