Illinois American Water and Live Well Streator are partnering again to install a water bottle filling station, this time at Marilla Park.
Live Well Streator will receive a $2,000 grant from Illinois American Water for the Marilla Park Water Redevelopment Project. The new water station will be bi-level and will include a bottle filling station and pet hydration station.
Once this project is completed, it will be the third water bottle filling station Illinois American Water has worked with Live Well Streator to provide. The utility company donated $4,100 for new bi-level fountains, featuring a bottle filling station and pet hydration station in Central and City parks.
Live Well Streator also will partner with Illinois American Water on educational signage at Marilla Park explaining plastic pollution.
Established by OSF HealthCare, Live Well Streator is designed to make a positive impact on the city’s health. Live Well Streator also is working with city of Streator Engineering Department, Streator Tourism, OSF HealthCare and the Parks and Open Spaces Board on improvements at Marilla Park.
Illinois American Water awarded eight community project grants for a total of more than $14,000 as a way to celebrate Earth Day.
“These organizations play an important role in environmental stewardship in our communities every day, not just Earth Day,” said Justin Ladner, Illinois American Water president. “By providing critical funding and collaboration, we can further support environmental and sustainable partnerships to enhance our watersheds.”
More than $290,000 will have been contributed to 90 projects dedicated to water source protection and environmental projects since 2009 via Illinois American Water’s Environmental Grant Program, the company said.
Projects will be completed by Nov. 30.