Pete Pawlak appointed to Utica Village Board

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New Utica village trustee Pete Pawlak (right) shakes hands with Mayor David Stewart after taking the oath of office Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at Utica Village Hall. Pawlak was appointed to the seat vacated by his late mother, Mary.

Utica again has a Pawlak on the Village Board.

Tuesday, Mayor David Stewart appointed Pete Pawlak to replace Pawlak’s late mother, Mary, on the Utica Village Board. The board then voted 5-0 to ratify the appointment.

“(Mary and Ron Pawlak) sat on the board for multiple, multiple years,” said Mayor David Stewart, “and I thought it would be very fitting to have him as the new trustee for his mom’s board seat.”

Ron and Mary Pawlak both served on the Utica Village Board until their deaths in October and May, respectively. Ron Pawlak’s vacant seat was filled by Kylie Mattioda while Mary’s seat passes to the next generation.

Pawlak thanked Stewart and the trustees for the opportunity and hastened to add, “I’ve got big shoes to fill.”