Seneca High School announced Wednesday the start of construction on a new 28,000-square-foot multi-court gymnasium addition. A ceremonial groundbreaking was held March 15 and was attended by 27 people, including Seneca board of education members, administration and project partners.
Following years of discussions around the need for updated physical education areas and athletic practice and event needs, the board planned to build a new three-court gymnasium and sprint track, with additional spaces for storage, renovated concession areas and more team rooms to support the physical education department as well as high school athletics.
“Seneca High School is a large source of pride within our community, and this new addition will provide greater opportunities for students, staff and community use,” said Superintendent Dan Stecken. “It’s yet another step in building a foundation for student success and will help prepare students for post-high school opportunities and overall wellness with continued Irish Pride.”
“This new addition will provide greater opportunities for students, staff and community use.”
— Seneca High School Superintendent Dan Stecken
Seneca High School partnered with Wold Architects and Engineers, a national leader in educational architecture, to design the new addition. Once completed, the new athletic spaces will improve site roadway access and flow as well as add extra event parking to support an occupancy of up to 1,950.
“We’re proud to work with Seneca High School to create reimagined spaces for both students and staff to help accomplish their physical education and athletics goals for many years to come,” said Alison Andrews, Principal at Wold. “As a local firm, we’re grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the district and help bring their ideas and school pride to life through this new addition.”
Shales McNutt Construction Management, of Elgin, is the construction management firm. Local Illinois Valley union contractors, such as Vissering Construction and Block Electric amongst others, are working in coordination with SMC.
The new gym addition is tentatively set to complete in March of 2024, in time for the Class of 2024 graduation ceremony and summer athletics seasons. For more information on the project, please visit the school’s updated web page at