The Times

Ottawa First efforts for Fourth of July fireworks tops last year

Fundraising continues for $50,000 performance

Ottawa First is set to provide another fireworks show, with a little help from some friends.

Larry Johnson, a member of the group that annually for the past 13 years has raised funds for the Fourth of July fireworks display along Ottawa’s riverfront, said from Peoria to Joliet, Ottawa’s is one of the largest fireworks display and it should be even bigger and better this year.

“Many people ask what day it is, but it’s always the same. It’s at dusk on the Fourth.”

—  Larry Johnson, a member of Ottawa First

“A year ago, we put $45,000 into it and this year, thanks to several substantial donors who wish to remain nameless, we’ve exceeded that,” Johnson said, “so donations are going very well. We’re very fortunate to have so many people contribute to this and it should be a very good show … and it just keeps getting bigger every year.

“We always have a great crowd, we have an excellent viewing area down by the river – the reflection off the water really makes it – and it’s always, always on the Fourth of July. Many people ask what day it is, but it’s always the same. It’s at dusk on the Fourth.”

Longtime Ottawa First volunteer James Less helped collect donations recently at Columbus Street and Norris Drive for Ottawa’s annual fireworks show.

The plan for the Fourth of July celebration, weather permitting, includes having skydivers from Skydive Chicago make their way from a plane to King Field at Ottawa High School.

Also on that field about 8:30 p.m., the Ottawa American Legion Honor Guard will present the U.S. flag while Alexandra Ortiz-DuBois sings “The Star Spangled Banner.”

There will be a final push this weekend to meet the fundraising goal for the fireworks show. On Friday and Saturday, volunteers from Ottawa First, the nonprofit organization that has raised money for the show for many years, will be accepting cash donations outside of Handy Foods, 604 W. Main St., and Financial Plus Credit Union, 800 Chestnut St. Also, customers of Herman’s Liquors are being ask to “round up” the cost of their purchases with that amount going into the fireworks fund, while the weekend collection at the corner of Columbus Street and Norris Drive yielded about $2,500.

Part of the proceeds from Fourth of July novelties, such as glow sticks, will go to the fund.

“So many people have been so generous,” Ottawa First treasurer LouAnne Carretto said. “It really makes you stop and think about what a wonderful town we have.”

Any surplus collected by Ottawa First over previous years was banked to be added to following years, but that amount was wiped out by still providing the show during the COVID-19 years when fundraising was cut considerably.

This year, the cost of the fireworks – per a three-year contract with J & M Displays signed last year – will be bumped up 25% to $50,000. The Ottawa Area Chamber of Commerce helped fill in the gap and the city of Ottawa also is contributing $15,000 toward the show.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the show can do so by mail to Ottawa First, P.O. Box 453, Ottawa, IL 61350, or contacting Carretto at 815-252-3750.

Johnson added the all-volunteer, nonprofit organization is looking for new blood and that anyone interested in helping with this annual effort can contact him or any of its other members or message on the organization’s Facebook page.

“To give you an idea, I’m 75 and I’m the rookie in the group,” Johnson said with a laugh. “We’re badly in need of new members because you never know what can happen and we don’t want to see this great Fourth of July tradition go by the wayside.”